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Semi-annual Activities (Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival)

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2024 蒙市金齡新村中秋晚會 長者溫馨團圓夜 中美金齡會(Chinese American Golden Age Association,CAGAA)於16日晚在蒙市的金齡新村(Golden Age Village)舉辦了一場溫馨的中秋晚會,為長者住戶帶來賞月、品嚐月餅與觀賞表演的歡樂時光。溫暖的社區氛圍將每位住戶緊緊聯繫在一起,共享佳節圓滿。 中美金齡會理事長齊銥(Iris Chi)在致詞中表示,很榮幸與大家一起共度中秋,也非常感謝來賓們長期以來的支持,激勵著金齡新村不斷前進。她也特別感謝了表演者、志工和工作人員的辛勤付出,正是他們的努力讓這場晚會充滿活力。 聯邦眾議員趙美心(Judy Chu)讚揚了金齡新村在過去40多年來為低收入華裔長者提供的服務,譽為社區中的典範,其舉辦的活動內容豐富多樣,除了定期的傳統節慶外,還包括教育課程、電腦技能培訓、太極等日常活動,以及每月的生日派對和一年兩次的旅行,極大豐富了長者的生活。 理事李淩霄(Tim Li)介紹道,金齡新村住戶平均年齡為83歲,為周邊老年公寓中最高壽的群體。他還提到,入住等待時間平均10年,因此呼籲多方支持,希望能在未來增加更多房間,讓更多長者「老有所養,老有所依」。 蒙市副市長吳紹榮(Vinh T. Ngo)回憶了自己小時候親眼見證金齡新村建設的點滴,並表示,在他的祖輩在世時,平均等候入住的時間約有15年,可見金齡新村的成功和對社區的長期影響力。加州第49選區候選人劉龍珠(David Liu)律師第一次參觀金齡新村,他感嘆這裡環境優美、生活便利,更是幽默地表示,自己一定要儘早申請入住。 晚會上,舞蹈、琵琶獨奏和太極劍等表演贏得陣陣掌聲,現場洋溢著歡笑及對生活的熱愛。住戶們不僅用表演點亮了夜晚,也在這個特別的時刻互相陪伴,共享團圓的喜悅。

Chinese American Golden Age Association (CAGAA) 2024 Lunar New Year “Intergenerational Inheritance” Celebration Presentation No.5 and else: Brief intro: The Inheritance of Spring Festival Customs and Lantern Dance CAGAA's 2024 Lunar New Year Celebration featured an exciting variety of traditional Chinese performances, one of the most eye-catching ones being the Lantern Dance presented by the Golden Age Dancing Group. The Group is comprised of female seniors living in the Golden Age Village (GAV) who have been performing for more than a decade. Initially, the purpose of the seniors was to enrich their lives and to maintain a healthy lifestyle through dance. However, with the expansion of the dance group and the increase of its members, their approach to activities became more professional and earnest, with the focus on pursuing a higher level of artistic and aesthetic achievement. For the special day of the Lunar New Year, the seniors carefully selected music, consulted professional instructors, and prepared for this three-minute performance on stage with great dedication. On stage, the seniors held lanterns with warm smiles, conveying good wishes for a joyful reunion and a new year. Accompanied by characteristic Chinese folk music, the seniors, dressed in well-designed dance costumes and delicate headdresses, demonstrated their energetic moves as they changed formations, showing their grace and happiness to the audience below. The red lanterns highlighted their rosy cheeks, while their silver hair and traces of age failed to stop their vitality and brightness. The jubilation and delight of the festival flowed in the music, and the energy and spirit of the seniors shone in the dance moves. What is also worth emphasizing is that due to limited funds, each member volunteered to take on multiple roles, handcrafting props and costumes as well as meticulously researching stage styles and make-up. Their hard work and efforts not only added color to their retirement life but also highlighted GAV's community spirit and dedication. The performance of the lantern dance not only brings audio-visual pleasure and enjoyment to the audience but also has the important significance of inheriting the tradition. In addition to transmitting knowledge, values, and beliefs, intergenerational inheritance involves the succession and flourishing of traditional Chinese culture, arts, and customs. Through the organization of festivals and cultural events, distinctive performances, costumes, and cuisines are experienced and shared within the overseas Chinese community, thus fostering a sense of common tradition and identity among the generations. CAGAA's Lunar New Year celebrations are dedicated to contributing to this important process of cultural inheritance. Whether it is the beautiful and melodious performance of traditional musical instruments (including the Guzheng and Hulusi) by Mr. Zuyao Liu, the spectacular Peking Opera performance (Mu Guiying Takes Command) by the US Youth Peking Opera Art Troupe, or the lively lion dance performance by the Shaolin Martial Arts Academy, they all focused on demonstrating the profundity and longevity of the Chinese cultural traditions, as well as the vibrancy and richness of the cultural life of the overseas Chinese people. Additionally, diversity and community inclusion are also important themes of the Lunar New Year Celebration. Performers and viewers of all races, ages, and professional backgrounds came together on such a special day to celebrate Chinese culture with great appreciation and gratitude. The 2024 Lunar New Year celebration organized by CAGAA provided both a stage for GAV seniors to express their vitality and for multi-talented overseas Chinese artists to share their cultural performances. By actively participating in these endeavors and utilizing the generous donations from people from all walks of life around the world, CAGAA and the GAV community contribute to the vibrant preservation and promotion of outstanding Chinese cultural heritage, creating a warm feeling of connection, strengthening emotional ties within the community, as well as building a strong sense of continuity across generations and geographic distances on a winter night in Los Angeles.

Contact Information

234 N. Rural Dr.
Monterey Park, CA 91755

Office Hours

Monday to Friday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Phone: (626) 571-7977

Fax: (626) 307-0930

Copyright © 2023 Chinese American Golden Age Association.

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